Frequently Asked Questions.

Where are you located?

Our practice is located at 1/279 Eastern Drive, Gatton. Please phone (07) 5462 5616 to make an appointment.

Am I having a dental emergency?

Pain from toothaches can be sharp, throbbing or constant. In some people, pain only occurs when chewing or through exposure to hot or cold stimuli. If you have facial swelling, swelling around the tooth or a foul taste coming from an sore tooth we recommend seeking immediate attention.

If you’re unsure if your symptoms indicate a dental emergency, please contact our friendly team and we’ll arrange an appointment for you as soon as possible.

How often should I have a check-up?

We recommend routine check-ups every 6 months for early detection of any problems and prevention of dental disease.

When should my child first visit the dentist?

We recommend bringing your child in for their first dental visit before their first birthday. Early visits help children form a positive association with the dentist and provides an opportunity for us to promote good oral hygiene at home.

Do you see new patients?

Yes! Please phone (07) 5462 5616 to make an appointment.

How much will my dental treatment cost?

It’s difficult to predict treatment costs without a thorough dental examination first. Once you have had a thorough examination our dentists an give you an accurate estimate of the cost of any recommended treatments. Payment plans are available on request.

When are you open?

Our practice is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5pm.

Any other questions?

Please don’t hesitate to phone (07) 5462 5616 with any other questions or submit your query using the form below.

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